Enterprise manager upgrade to 9.7 and ISagent upgrade in Solution Manager 7.1

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The EM upgrade is cannot be done by upgrading the agent on top of the old version. The upgrade consists on moving the EM to a backup folder and do a fresh installation of the wanted version and then adjust the configuration to the already existent one.
Here are the steps that should be followed for an upgrade of EM on Solution Manager SPS 12 or higher. In my case my source version was EM 9.1.5 and the target one 9.7 and the environment Solaris Intel.

There are three packages that have to be downloaded:

1. The WILY INTROSCOPE ENTPR MGR 9.7 that can be found in this location:

https://launchpad.support.sap.com/ => Software Downloads => Support packages and patches => By Category => SAP Technology Components => SAP Solution Manager => SAP Solution Manager 7.1 => Entry by component => WILY INTROSCOPE => WILY INTROSCOPE ENTPR MGR 9.7 => Introscope Enterprise Manager 9.7 for SAP SP01

It is very important, that you choose the package for your respective OS type. But in case you do not find your OS from the dropdown list, you have to choose the OS independent version. But there is a catch, the OS independent package does not have a bundled Java VM, like the others do. So in this case you have to, either have the corresponding JAVA version required for your EM already available on the machine, either you download the SAPJVM in order to have the required Java VM while performing the installation.
In such case you can download the SAPJVM from:

https://launchpad.support.sap.com => Software Downloads => Support packages and patches => By Category => SAP NETWEAVER AND COMPLEMENTARY PRODUCTS => SAP NETWEAVER => SAP NETWEAVER 7.4 =>

2. Wily Introscope enterprise management modules:

https://launchpad.support.sap.com/ => Software Downloads => Support packages and patches => By Category => SAP Technology Components => SAP Solution Manager => SAP Solution Manager 7.1 => Entry by component => WILY INTROSCOPE => WILY INTRO EM MGMT MODULES 9.7 => WILYISMM01P_3-80001009.ZIP (Introscope9.7customizationSP01 forSAP(Management Modules))

3. Third-party external component package files:

http://opensrcd.ca.com/ips/osgi/ => introscope_9.7.1.0/ => download the two files:


After the files have been uploaded to server, create special directory where to store the files and from where you can start the upgrade/installation from:

mkdir EM_upg_dir

unzip the files:

unzip WILYISEM01_0-80001135.zi
tar -xvf osgiPackages.v9.7.1.16.unix.tar
@LongLink                           ca-eula.txt                                                             osgiPackages.v9.7.1.16.unix.tar     unsigned
WILYISEM01_0-80001135.zip           ca-eula.zh_CN.txt                   installer_console.log               osgiPackagesID.txt                  version.txt
WILYISMM01P_3-80001009.zip          ca-eula.zh_TW.txt                   introscope9.7.1.16otherUnixSAP.jar  server
ca-eula.ja.txt                      eula.txt                            lgpl.txt                            signed
ca-eula.ko.txt                      installer.properties                lib                                 source

Prepare the files for the installation:

1. eula.txt

accept the agreemant by changing: LGPL=accept

2. ca-eula.txt

accept the agreemant by changing: CA-EULA=accept

3. installer.properties => check what the current parameters are for EM and make the changes in the file:


If you do not enter anything for the installation directory it will install it by default to the new location /usr/sap/ccms/apmintroscope.

Now that everything is prepared, the actual upgrade can begin:

1. Stop the current EM:

cd /usr/sap/ccms/wilyintroscope/bin
./EMCtrl.sh stop
./EMCtrl.sh stop: Stopping Enterprise Manager...
./EMCtrl.sh stop: Enterprise Manager stopped

2. Move the existing installation to a backup folder

mv /usr/sap/ccms/wilyintroscope /usr/sap/ccms/wilyintroscope_old

3. Install the new version

– the command, if you took the OS dependent package:

cd EM_upg_dir
/java -classpath ./introscope9.7.1.16otherUnixSAP.jar install
Silent installer completed with status of: SUCCESS. For more details, consult install logs at: /usr/sap/ccms/wilyintroscope/install. Please wait for the command prompt to return...

– the command if you have the OS dependent package:

./introscope9.7.1.16linuxAMD64SAP.bin –Djava.awt.headless=true

4. Install the management module

cp WILYISMM01P_3-80001009.zip /usr/sap/ccms/wilyintroscope
cd /usr/sap/ccms/wilyintroscope
unzip WILYISMM01P_3-80001009.zip

5. Where necessary, copy the old files with the configurations over the new EM:

– The Introscope SmartStor that contains the collected metrics. Its location is specified by properties:


in file /config/IntroscopeEnterpriseManager.properties. If you want to keep the already collected metrics move these folders from the old to the new EM.

# The directory that the EM will use for data storage

– The Introscope traces are stored in a folder that is configured with properties:
# The directory that the EM will use for trace storage

If you want to keep the already collected traces move this folders from the old to the new EM.

– Manually transfer any custom management modules (located in /config/modules) from the old to the new location. But do not overwrite newly installed standard SAP modules with older versions.

– Manually transfer any customization made in the old version of EM. These customization can be found in the files:

IntroscopeEnterpriseManager.lax or EMService.conf

Do not replace the new configuration files with the old copies since you then may loose any newly introduced properties! Instead, copy and paste any customization from your old files.

– Copy all certificate files used for single sign-on from Solution Manager. You find them in /sap/TrustedCerts.

– For monitoring capabilities of SAP Solution Manager copy file <EM_HOME>/config/agentclusters.xml from the old to the new location.

– Also for monitoring capabilities of SAP Solution Manager copy files /sap/SID.e2emai.properties (see SAP note 1751225).

– If you have a full Introscope license copy this too from folder /license.

– If Emergency Monitoring feature available starting with Introscope version 9.7 is activated copy files /sap/emon/*.

6. EM_HOME/ has to be given write access for SAP group sapsys from default 755 to 775

7. Start EM:

./EMCtrl.sh start
./EMCtrl.sh start: Starting Enterprise Manager...
(Please wait a few minutes for initialization to complete.)
Please check log file for more details.

8. check status

./EMCtrl.sh status
./EMCtrl.sh status: Enterprise Manager (pid XXXX) is running

8. In Solution Manager Basic Configuration Step 3.1, (Configure CA Introscope) Reload the installation. It will detect the new version.

– in case of any problems like Solman is still seeing the EM offline please review the note: 2198743 – Enterprise Manager is offline ” [Manager.UserManagementService] “” Failed to login from host “localhost” “
I had the error and this was due to wrong password of Admin user in Solman. After correcting this in solman_setup, step 3 -> user management the status showed with green status in solman_setup

9. After installing a new EM you have to prepare the EM for pushing monitoring metrics to Solution Manager running activity “Push DPC Configuration to CA Introscope” again. 

ISagent upgrade

After the upgrade of EM, also the ISagent can be upgraded.
You can check the version of ISagent from system information from Java start page:


You can see that there are two ISagent versions are deployed on Solman, which can be a little bit confusing. But this is not only correct, but also the recommended scenario from SAP.
The IS agent version deployed on the managed system when performing the managed system configuration is dependent of the java version of the managed system and the IS agent version deployed on the Solman.
For Java 1.4 the IS agent 8.X will be deployed. If there is no ISAgent_MIN_J5 deployed on the Solman the IS agent 8.X is also deployed for systems running on Java 1.5 and 1.6. Although this scenario works, it is recommended to use IS agent 9.X for java systems that are running Java 1.5 or higher.
If both IS agent 8.X and IS agent 9.1.X (ISAgent_MIN_J5) are deployed on the Solman as in our case, then the managed systems running on Java 1.5 or higher the IS agent 9.X is deployed. This is the scenario recommended by SAP.
It is possible to have and IS Agent version 8.X deployed in parallel to the Solman IS agent 9.X, but it is NOT possible to have multiple IS agent 9.X versions deployed on the Solman Java stack.
The IS agent version needs to be lower or equal to the EM that it is connected to, that is also why we did first the EM upgrade.

The package that needed for the upgrade can be downloaded from:
https://launchpad.support.sap.com/ => Software Downloads => Support packages and patches => SAP Technology Components => SAP SOlution Manager => SAP Solution Manager 7.1 => Entry by component => Solution Manager Java Stack => WILY INTRO AGT 9.7 MIN J5VIASM => Patch for WILY INTRO AGT 9.7 MIN J5VIASM SP01

First enable the Maintenance Mode in the Agent Administration, deploy IS agent with the help of SUM tool. The upgrade will require a short downtime, as Java stack will be restarted during the process. After the successful deployment, disable the Maintenance Mode in the Agent Administration.

Helpful documents:





2198743 – Enterprise Manager is offline ” [Manager.UserManagementService] “” Failed to login from host “localhost” “




2068401 – How to update the ISAgent (Byte Code Adapter) – Solution Manager 7.10

Internal documents related to EM:


Source link

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