DMIS CONTENT 2011_1_700 is required to upgrade to DMIS CONTENT 2011_1_731 by SAP BASIS 7.31 – SAPK-731BHINSAPBASIS during the queue check

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If you are planning to upgrade your Solution Manager to 7.2 release, you have to plan first the update in your Maintenance Planner tool. During this process there is one error that I encountered and that might be popping up for all Solution Mangers that have the add-on TDMS 4.0 installed.
The validation of the software packages in MP will fail with the error:

DMIS CONTENT 2011_1_700 is required to upgrade to DMIS CONTENT 2011_1_731 by SAP BASIS 7.31 – SAPK-731BHINSAPBASIS during the queue check

If you check out for more details provided in the logs you will find the following:

It seems like for SAP TDMS 4.0, the product transition cannot be calculated automatically by MP, so it has to be added as a manual step by you in the MP.
You can find a solution from SAP for this in the note 2367414. But unfortunately, the solution provided by SAP is not 100% clear or complete and an additional step has to be followed.
To be more clear lets review what are the steps that have to be selected in order to get rid of the above error.

First, begin a fresh transaction for the upgrade in MP:

Select Plan a Maintenance:

Select your desired target that is Solution Manager 7.2 and Confirm selection

Then select Install or Maintain an Add-on:

Select SAP Landscape Transformation 2, select SHC for ABA 731 and the desired support package level for this and confirm the selection:

Then what it is very important and it is not mentioned in the note, continue to choose again the Install and Maintain Add-on for selecting also the add-on SAP TDMS 4.0 => TDMS for ABA 7.31 and the desired support package level and confirm this selection as well:

Then continue with the selection as normal, in MP and the validation should go successfully now.
By the way, if you are wandering, the order that you select the two additional add-ons does not matter.
But in case you also have the add-on DMIS EXT 2007_1_700 installed you might get as bonus an additional error for it too:

DMIS EXT 2007_1_700 is required to upgrade to DMIS EXT 2007_1_731 by SAP BASIS 7.31 – SAPK-731BHINSAPBASIS

So in this case, you will also have to select in MP, additionally from what we have talked about at the Install and Maintain an Add-on section also the SAP TDMS EXT BPL 3.0 the TDMS for ABA 7.31 and the wanted SP level. This error is explained more in the note 2417816.

For more details, please consult the offcial SAP documenation:

2417816 – Error: DMIS EXT 2007_1_700 is required to upgrade to DMIS EXT 2007_1_731 by SAP BASIS 7.31 – SAPK-731BHINSAPBASIS during Maintenance Planner Planning activity

2367414 – Error: DMIS 2011_1_700 is required to upgrade to DMIS2011_1_731 by SAP_BASIS 7.31 – SAPK-731BHINSAPBASIS… during Maintenance Planner Planning activity.

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