Introscope Enterprise Manager 10.1 installation

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Introscope EM is a third party standalone engine that is installed under Solution Manager and used to monitor the performance of Java applications.
In this article I will present its installation under Solution Manger 7.2 on Linux platform. The version 10.1 is anyway only compatible with Solution Manager 7.2 (>=SP03). But the minimum version that can be installed on Solution Manger 7.2 is 9.7 SP01.

First of all, three packages are needed for the installation:

  1. Introscope Enterprise manager

Location for download: -> Software Downloads -> Support Packages and Patches (2nd tab) -> By Category –> SAP Technology Components -> SAP SOLUTION MANAGER -> SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.2 -> WILY INTROSCOPE -> WILY INTROSCOPE ENTPR MGR 10.1 -> (your OS for the enterprise mgr)

2.  Introscope Management Modules to be installed on top of Introscope Enterprise Manager

Location for download: -> Software Downloads -> Support Packages and Patches (2nd tab) -> By Category –> SAP Technology Components -> SAP SOLUTION MANAGER -> SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.2 -> -> WILY INTROSCOPE -> WILY INTRO EM MGMT MODULES 10.1 -> OS independent

3. Third-party external component package files based on the release

osgi introscope package
Now that we have the packages, we can create a directory where to place and unzip the Introscope EM. Here we will also put the external component files, as the installer will automatically identify these during the installation.

mkdir wily_ent_mng
META-INF                   ca-eula.ja.txt  ca-eula.txt        ca-eula.zh_TW.txt                  osgiPackages.v10.1.0.15.unix.tar  version.txt  ca-eula.ko.txt  ca-eula.zh_CN.txt  eula.txt           introscope10.1.0.15linuxAMD64SAP.bin  silent.install.failed.txt

If it does not have already these configurations, modify the file as follows and leave the rest of the options as they are:


If you want to use a different password than from the default one for the Introscope users, you can also edit these parameters:


In order to be able to start the installation you must agree with the CA End user license agreement. You can do this by modifying the files this way:

eula.txt => LGPL=accept
ca-eula.txt => CA-EULA=accept

Then start the installation in silent mode with sidadm user (sidadm is the admin user of the Solution Manger instance):

./introscope10.1.0.15linuxAMD64SAP.bin -Djava.awt.headless=true
Preparing to install...
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
Unpacking the JRE...
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...

Launching installer...

Silent installer completed with status of: SUCCESS. For more details, consult install logs at: /usr/sap/ccms/apmintroscope/install. Please wait for the command prompt to return...

And the installation is completed. For me the installation did not take more than 5 minutes.

You can check the installation logs under /usr/sap/ccms/apmintroscope/install
In case the installation wasn’t successful you can find more hints in the logfile: /usr/sap/SID/willy_ent_mng/silent.install.failed.txt

The default directory for Introscope EM is /usr/sap/ccms/apmintroscope. Here you can also find the script for start/stop/check state.

After this is installed, install the module. This is done by copying the module zip in the directory of wily: /usr/sap/ccms/apmintroscope and unzip here directly.

Now let’s start it:

cd /usr/sap/ccms/apmintroscope
./ status
./ status: Enterprise Manager stopped
./ start
./ start: Starting Enterprise Manager...
(Please wait a few minutes for initialization to complete.)
Please check log file for more details.

The link should be reachable: http://hostname:8081/webview

There are two users available for login. If you did not change their credentials before installation the default passwords are:

user Admin, passwd: Admin89
user Guest, passwd: guest12

You can find other related EM articles on this site at:

For the installation, I used the documentation from SAP, where you can find even more information:

Installation guide: -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manger -> Release 7.2 -> Additional Information – Introscope -> Setup Guide Introscope 10.1


2285189 – Introscope 10.1 Release Notes for changes and open issues
797147 – Introscope Installation for SAP Customers

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