iPhone 17 Slim to be more expensive than the iPhone 17 Pro Max

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We’ve already heard that Apple is revamping its iPhone lineup next year, retiring the Plus model and launching a Slim one instead. But so far we thought the iPhone 17 Slim would be similarly positioned to the Plus, only thinner.

Apple seems to love thinness these days, having recently released the thinnest device it’s ever made in the 13″ iPad Pro, and is now apparently looking to trim down the iPhone as well – and, in true Apple fashion, at a premium.

Several sources have allegedly described the iPhone 17 Slim as an iPhone X-level leap in terms of design language for Apple, and by the time 2025 hits, it will definitely be time for a fresh look. It’s expected to be “significantly thinner” than any other iPhone before it, and may employ an aluminum chassis.

Several sources have allegedly described the iPhone 17 Slim as an iPhone X-level leap in terms of design language for Apple, and by the time 2025 hits, it will definitely be time for a fresh look. It’s expected to be “significantly thinner” than any other iPhone before it, and may employ an aluminum chassis.

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